Pro-Serbian nationalists have celebrated the victory of Jakov Milatović in several cities by singing Chetnik songs for Kosovo and raising three fingers with the flag of Serbia.
This triggered numerous reactions in the region on social platforms.
Ivana Stradner, research associate at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy in Washington, wrote that Serbian flags and nationalist songs appeared in Montenegro after Milatović’s victory.
“And once again Radio Free Europe is one of a very few media that is reporting the truth about elections in Montenegro showing Serbian flags and nationalistic songs about Kosovo. It’s concerning”, she wrote on Twitter.
And once again Radio Free Europe is one of a very few media that is reporting the truth about elections in Montenegro showing Serbian flags and nationalistic songs about Kosovo. It’s concerning. https://t.co/8SX240vttg
— Ivana Stradner 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@ivanastradner) April 3, 2023
Toby Vogel, Fellow of the Council for Democracy Policy from Brussels, has also commented on these views.
“Supporters of Montenegro’s “pro-European” president-elect celebrate their victory by waving… Serbian flags”, he wrote on Twitter.
Pobjeda Jakova Milatovića u drugom krugu predsjedničkih izbora u Crnoj Gori 2. aprila proslavljena je u glavnom gradu. Kolone automobila kružile su ulicama sa zastavama, dominantno trobojkama. Ispred hrama Srpske pravoslavne crkve pjevalo se o Kosovu. #CrnaGora #Podgorica pic.twitter.com/hoM7pPO20B
— Radio Slobodna Evropa (@RSE_Balkan) April 2, 2023
Even journalist Mersiha Nezic commented and asked why this is celebrated with nationalist songs for Kosovo.
“His opponents accuse him of being vulnerable to Serbian and Russian interference. Supporters of the new Montenegrin president celebrated his victory last night with Serbian flags in hand. To the rhythm of nationalist songs about neighboring Kosovo”, she wrote on Twitter.
Ses adversaires l’accusent d'être vulnérable à l'ingérence serbe et russe. Les partisans du nouveau président monténégrin ont fêté cette nuit sa victoire drapeaux serbes à la main. Au rythme de chants nationalistes sur le Kosovo voisin. https://t.co/o10jY9Uf3u
— Mersiha Nezic (@MersihaNezic) April 3, 2023
“Festivities of victors in Podgorica. Not a single montenigrin flag”, analyst Demush Shasha also commented.
Slavlje glasaca Jakova Milatovića ispred Hrama u PG.
"Cica Drazo gde je moje dete,čuvaju ga srpske bajonete"
Za građaniste iz Srbije,zastoj ga je Šeselj podrzao! pic.twitter.com/cR3CW7swI2— Mirrjan Prrelvich (@MirjanaPrelevic) April 2, 2023
Milatović won the race against the current president Milo Djukanović, who was the initiator of the declaration of independence of Montenegro and joined this country in NATO.