The former president of Serbia in two terms and leader of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadić, tells Danas about the video of the Serbian Radical Party violating the privacy of the family of politician Rada Trajković in order to discredit her and her children, that the regime of Aleksandar Vučić took Serbia back to the time of the “Laufers” of the Sešeljes who killed the first democratically elected prime minister of Serbia, Zoran Djindjić.
This announcement of the “Association Information Service of Radical Laufer (RIS LAUFER)” was published on the YouTube channel of the leader of the Radicals, Vojislav Seshel, whose party announced the registration of this “information service” a few days ago. The vice president of SRS, Vjerica Radeta, is registered as a representative of this civic association in the Agency for Business Registers, Danas learned by watching this video recording.
In a press release, the radicals say that they provide “interesting information about Aleksandra Trajkovic Knap”, the daughter of Rada Trajkovic, and give them alleged exclusivity, saying that they are “not fully available to the public”.
Radicals write where the daughter of this politician is suspected of being employed, who has already been targeted by both Sesel and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who called her, recently an advisor in the Kosovo government, “the he worst serbian scum from the bottom of the tub.” . But the radicals are also involved with her second daughter Biljana and her son Dejan, there are also rumors about their alleged international connections.
We recall that the adviser to the Minister of Communities and Return of Kosovo was stopped on Thursday at the border crossing in Merdare, when she returned from Kosovo, where she had a meeting with the American Ambassador Hovenier. She was detained by the Serbian Interior Ministry for over 20 hours at the border crossing and due to the deterioration of her health she was taken by ambulance to Prokuplje, from where she was sent home for treatment.
This was Trajkovic’s second detention, considering that she was stopped at the same crossing the day before when she was going to Pristina for a meeting with the American ambassador.
Vucic’s regime brought us back to the time of Sesel’s “laufers”, where Zoran Djindjic was killed. After the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, the same method of targeting political opponents continues. First, without any sanction, Sesel has practically announced the murder of Rada Trajković in the pro-regime media, while now his party is directly targeting her children as well”, declared Tadić.
The former Serbian president adds that in the past years he warned that Sesel’s ideology was in power in Serbia. According to Tadiq, this ideology is more present in the government than Vucic or other people who, in his opinion, are only successors of this “monstrous ideology.”
Citizens must understand that what is being done to Rada Trajkovic and her family is being done to all citizens of Serbia, because the regime that is carrying out this torture is the regime that is leading the lives of all citizens. This is not a matter of political war, but of civilization, so we must all oppose this madness together and with all means. In a country where the institutions are occupied, the lives and safety of the regime’s dissidents must be protected by the public, and that is why it is important that we all raise our voices, says Tadic./Danas