The Serbian Progressive Party and its satellites are the biggest obstacle to European integration, as this is what allows it to win elections, according to representatives of the newer pro-European forces, while representatives of the older civic options regret that lustration was not carried out when it should have been, in response to the stance of the outgoing Police Minister Aleksandar Vulin that Serbia has no place in the EU.
“This is a legitimate but harmful and wrong attitude. Although I understand why he says this, because Vulin knows that if Serbia really adopts European standards, for example in the fight against corruption and crime, members of the SNS regime will be behind bars, and if the standards of media freedom are respected they would not be able to win the elections,” Radomir Lazovic, a member of parliament, told Danas.
Zoran Vuletić, President of the extra-parliamentary Civic Democratic Forum, points out that Vulin is “surprised by the recent visit to Moscow” and feels safe.
“Vulin and Russian Minister Lavrov have told the citizens of Serbia not to worry; Vucic will continue to lead politics as before. This means a fake pro-European policy dictated by Moscow”, Vuletić believes.
He adds that Vulin is undisguisedly committed, moreover proud of his service to Russia, and that with this statement he is directly pushing Vucic into a formal break with EU integration.
“It will be interesting to see if Vučić will succeed with the new deception of Europe by not having Vulin as part of the new government. Such a solution also requires Putin’s consent if he is willing to to suppress vanity,” the president of the GDF believes.
Aleksandar Marton, spokesman for the League of Social Democrats, concludes in a written statement that “it is shameful that Vulin, from a high state position, has the opportunity every day to distance us from the modern and normal world”.
“His public appearances are a combination of insane and dangerous statements. If the lustration process had started in 2000, as LSV insisted, Vulin would have been one of the first to be lustrated as a spokesperson for Mirjana Marković and the criminal-mafia organization JUL,” Marton points out.
Miroslav Parovic, from the right-wing people’s freedom movement, claims that the government has made a “reality story like the one in the Zadruga, so Vulin got the role to be against the EU and for the Russians, and Zorana to be against the Russians”.
“The essence of the game is that in the end Vucic turns out to be the most normal, which is very difficult, and that we all chase after their stories and do not deal with corruption and crime that is tearing the society apart. In addition, it is easy for Vulin to be anti-EU when his friend and business partner Zeljko Mitrovic has all the capital and business connections in London” ” concludes Parovic.
Minister of the Interior Aleksandar Vulin told Novosti that that the sooner Serbia accepts that it is from the European Union “they do not want it” and that it “does not belong there, it will be better”, adding that the attitude towards the EU “is not a matter of emotions but of rational decisions”.
The media write that on Tuesday, October 18, the session of the National Assembly on the composition of the new Serbian government will begin, and that Vulin will probably not remain a minister.
Allegedly, according to the speculation, he should take over as director of Srbijagas instead of Dusan Bajatovic.
According to the composition of the new government, whose prime minister is in the third term, Ana Brnabic, it will also be interpreted whether Serbia will move towards a foreign policy shift, that is, whether ministers who openly advocate close cooperation with Russia and distancing themselves from the West will remain in it./Danas/