Prime Minister designate for the formation of the Serbian government, Milos Vucevic, stated during his speech to the Assembly of Serbia that Serbia will continue to maintain relations with Russia and China.
“Serbia cannot and will not give up friendship with Russia, whose people we consider fraternal,” he said.
He said that Serbia would not join the sanctions against Russia.
While also speaking about the importance of partnership with China, he said that the trade agreement will open the doors of the Chinese market to businessmen.
“Despite the contradictory views of many people in the West, China represents for us a friendly country, a partner and a reliable ally in the defense of our territorial integrity,” Vucevic told the Serbian parliament.
He said that Serbia’s attitude towards China will not change and added that he is looking forward to the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, who will visit Serbia on May 7 and 8.
Regarding the European Union, he said that Serbia still considers it a strategic target, adding that they would not accept its criteria for Kosovo and the sanctioning of Russia.
“The EU’s expectations are related to Serbia humiliating itself by recognizing Kosovo’s independence and joining the sanctions against Russia over the invasion of Ukraine,” he said.
Milos Vucevic reiterated Aleksandar Vucic’s position against Kosovo’s membership in the Council of Europe, thus violating the Basic Agreement with Kosovo mediated by the European Union.
The new government will consist of 25 ministers and five ministers without portfolios. Former intelligence chief Aleksandar Vulin, who has been under US sanctions since July 2023 – including for links to Russia – has been proposed to return to the cabinet as deputy prime minister.
Another official from the US “blacklist” due to links to Russia is returning to the government – Nenad Popovic, as minister without portfolio /TheGeopost/.