Serbian lawyer Cedomir Stojkovic said that the Serbian secret service (BIA) is still in the service of former director Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Russian regime of Vladimir Putin. Stojkovic made these statements in a video published on social networks, four hours after he was illegally detained at the border crossing in Horgosh, reports The Geopost.
He explained in detail how he was treated by the Serbian police and added that despite Vučić’s order, they did not follow him, but that the BIA was behind him.
“The main reason for my detention at the Horgosh border crossing and previously at the airport in Surcin and before that at the Macedonia-Serbia border crossing is that the BIA acquired the electronic system and issued instructions to detain people pending further checks from. This is certainly an abuse of authority, as no such check was carried out against me and I am no stranger to the BIA. This agency has interrogated me twice, once about my list, the list of Putin agents in Serbia, and also about the laying of flowers on the grave of Blerina Jashari. So we know each other, they know who I am, and I know much better who they are. And I tell them quite openly who they are: They are a couple of cuckoo rats who hide behind computer keyboards at BIA headquarters and take out their impatience on those who don’t think like them, and who don’t express themselves to others like they express themselves to me. They behave in such a way that the honest people of our border police force them to stop me and do not allow me to continue.
If we recall all the procedures of the BIA, we can see that they always work like this. They hide, they do not show their face, you cannot file a complaint against their proceedings, you have no one to turn to, because in the legal system of Serbia there are no legal means by which you could ask the BIA to Stop abusing the law,” he said.
The Serbian lawyer, who was barred for the fifth time in a row in 12 days, said that the BIA is an agency of treason, adding that Vulin is the biggest traitor of his country, who was still honored with awards by Russia even after he left office from the position of BIA director.
“BIA has no relation to this country, it is not a patriotic agency, but it is an agency of treason, and it is led by a cadre of traitors who are loyal to foreign countries, to the country against which I have imposed sanctions.” to the country against which I have organized protests, to this state whose agents in Serbia I have deconspiracized. Therefore, you traitorous agents of this agency, when you see this video of me, go to the mirror, look at yourselves and tell yourselves what real traitors you are. Show how you behave towards the members of your own nation, while at the same time safeguarding and protecting the interests of the other nation, not the actual nation, but the regime of that foreign nation. It should be clear that while there are anti-Serb cadres in the BIA, cadres of traitors, cadres loyal to a foreign ruler and a foreign state, in the most important positions, who today have not arrested a doctor who killed four babies with them negligence at the Institute in Belgrade. For them it is not important, for them it is important to arrest Čedomir Stojković and detain him at the border crossing just because Čedomir Stojković expresses his opinion,” he continued.
While this anti-Serbian agency terrorizes its citizens, Stojkovic emphasized that things are completely different when it comes to the border police.
The members of the border police at the Horgosh border crossing were extremely professional, polite, caring, tolerant and behaved as officials and civil servants should behave. When I asked for water, they brought me water, and when I joked with them, they said I was hungry, they brought me food, during those four hours of detention we somehow became friends, I listened to their life stories, some of which were difficult, so difficult that you can see from the examples of the Serbian police how this state destroys its own people, on a personal level, on a family level, on a health level … BIA, the same thing, and this is not the first time that it has illegally detained people, and this is not the first time that the BIA has betrayed It did this in the 90s, it also did this in 2003 when Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic was killed. Neither the Association of Beekeepers nor the Association of Fruit Processors was behind that murder, but the judgments that were made came from this authority, which was called something else back then, and that my wife used to have a different last name, but now she has a last name like mine. It is clear that the legal system of Serbia is such that the police arrest me in such situations, because as you have seen in this video, I cannot get out, my freedom of movement is restricted, I cannot leave the rooms it is the same as if you were in custody or in prison”, added Stojkovic.
He shows the absurdity of the Serbian authorities, who even tell him that “you are not under arrest”, violating his freedom of movement for no reason by banning him completely.
“But at the same time, the police deny that they have taken away your freedom, and that is absurd.” You are under arrest and at the same time you are told that you are not under arrest. All this shows that traitors are leading in Serbia, and traitors are those who betray their citizens, who betray their rights, who betray their freedom, who betray everything that we have agreed upon as citizens of this country, because we can even refuse to be citizens of this country, remember that. But these traitors to their own citizens, these violators of our laws will go down in history, and when they do (go down in history), they will look at us from the prison cells and not build this state, for the people them and their freedom. “Cheers, see you tomorrow at the conference,” he concluded. /The Geopost