The European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN), an association representing over 40 independent fact-checking organizations in 27 countries, condemns the direct attacks that fact-checkers in Georgia are receiving from their government.
“Independent fact-checking is a public service, and our Georgian members have a duty to verify government statements and inform the public when they contain lies. No government should try to intimidate fact-checkers from doing their jobs: the network says.
Unlike recent attacks on Georgian organizations verifying the facts, EFCSN rejects any suggestion that its accreditation process has been influenced by “lobbying” or any other form of unfair influence.
“This is categorically false and an attempt to slander those organizations and EFCSN itself.”
Furthermore, insinuations by Georgia’s government and ruling party that fact-checkers providing citizens with information is “censorship” are wrong and an attempt to undermine the legitimate role of a free press in ensuring accountability to power.
Online fact-checking initiatives such as the Third Party Meth Fact Checking Program are active in almost every EU country and scientific evidence points to their effectiveness against disinformation. Furthermore, cooperation with EFCSN members is recognized by EU institutions as a useful way to smooth it out during elections.
It seems intentional that this harassment campaign is taking place as the government reintroduces a law for foreign agents that would “restrict freedom of expression and organization” (Amnesty International) and whose “real purpose is to impede the work of independent media and NGOs” (RSF).
It is particularly worrying that Georgia’s government is unfairly portraying its actions as reflective and in line with European Union standards, EFCSN says.
The European Fact-Checkers Community calls on the Georgian government to stop harassing fact checkers in FactCheck Georgia and Myth Detector, and reminds it that EFCSN-vetted members are already complying with one of the strictest requirements that exist in the global media sector in transparency, ethics and investigative methodology – the compliance of which is carefully reviewed by independent auditors on a regular basis.
/The Geopost