A campaign has started on Twitter supporting the statement of the former American President Bill Clinton, who said that the NATO air bombings in 1999 agaisnt the serb army to stop the humanitrain catastrophe against albanians in Kosovo were proper and that they do not compare with the Russian invasion.
The campaign features the hashtag #YesYouDid in response to NATO’s fair campaign.
Speaking to CNN, Clinton said the right thing has already been done.
“I think we did the right thing at the right time. And if we hadn’t, this crisis [Russia’s invasion of Ukraine] could have happened earlier,” Clinton told CNN.
Critics have argued that Russia’s continued encroachment on its borders by NATO has prompted President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine either to reclaim part of Russia’s lost empire or to demonstrate that his country is not a weak state that would be easily intimidated by the West.
“Putin did not hide the fact that he thought the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a great tragedy,” he emphasized.
He went on to say that the US and NATO never intended to threaten Russia and that the countries of Eastern Europe had the right to live in security after decades of being dominated by Russia.
“I offered Russia not only a special partnership with NATO, but also the prospect of eventual membership in the Alliance, arguing that our biggest security problems in the future would come from non-state actors or from authoritarian states selling them chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons to terrorist groups,” Clinton said.
Clinton’s election as president in 1992 came as a result of the end of the Cold War. Eastern European countries had thrown off decades of communist dictatorship in 1989, and Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev had dissolved the Soviet Union in 1991.
During the Clinton presidency, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland joined NATO, followed in 2004 by Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. All these countries were either part of the Soviet Union or its allies.
“You have to tell the Poles that they have to live the rest of eternity with the uncertainty that Russia won’t try to conquer them again? Or the Hungarians or all the Baltic states. “Really, after what they did, did they ever want to be in the Soviet Union?” he asks.
The February invasion of Ukraine was met with strong resistance from Ukraine, which recently recaptured some of the territory it lost in the first weeks of the offensive.
This military aggression also prompted Finland and Sweden, two long-neutral neighbors of Russia, to seek NATO membership.
@BillClinton #yesyoudid ✅ pic.twitter.com/vEU6SiI7xV
— Agim Musliu (@agim_musliu) September 18, 2022
Regarding this statement, a campaign supporting the expansion of NATO has already started on Twitter. Security expert, Agim Musliu, sharing Clinton’s words, wrote #YesYouDid.
British analyst Daniel Smith and other figures have joined the campaign.
“I think we did the right thing at the right time. And if we hadn’t had done it, this crisis might have occurred even sooner” #yesyoudid pic.twitter.com/UAgyFnzkPm
— Daniel Smith (@DanielS18352008) September 18, 2022
We remember that it was Clinton’s presidency that had intervened in Kosovo through NATO, to stop the Serbian aggression against our country.
For 78 days, the military alliance had bombed Yugoslav targets to force Serbia to finally withdraw from Kosovo. /KP/