The Prime Minister of Serbia, Milos Vucevic, presented more disinformation regarding the current situation in the north of Kosovo. He claims that Prime Minister Albin Kurti and the Kosovo police are exerting pressure and terror on the Serbs, which is actually just exaggerating the situation and distorting the real picture.
Vucevic said:
“Employees in Serbian institutions received a summons for a hearing, which shows that the Prime Minister of Pristina institutions, Albin Kurti, is continuing pressure and terror in order to clearly tell the Serbs that they cannot stay and survive in Kosovo.
Essentially, an atmosphere is being created that they cannot go there, and then some from central Serbia go to Kurti and say that now Belgrade will move the Serbs from the north to the Raska region and that if the Serbs, God forbid, will be expelled from Kosovo, that in fact it was Belgrade’s idea. A very difficult situation, we are unhappy, you know that you cannot do everything that you would normally do because the circumstances are like that”.
Serbia has two options, to go into conflict or to fight politically and diplomatically, which seems insufficiently effective for the public because everything depends not only on Serbia, but also on those who are patrons of Kosovo’s independence, which allow Kurti to practically stop the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina,” Vucevic said, as reported by Serbian media.
Regarding the invitations to the hearing of employees in Serbian parallel structures, Vucevic disinforms that it is terror and persecution of Serbs, however, the invitations to hearing are part of the legal processes that the authorities in Kosovo carry out in order to ensure the legal responsibility of all those who operate within illegal structures. Such measures can be interpreted as an attempt by Kosovo to establish the rule of law on its territory, including the northern part of the country, where the presence of Serbian parallel institutions has been present for many years, and the international community insists on their integration into the Kosovo system.
Vucevic also claims that an atmosphere is being created that will force Serbs to leave Kosovo.
Serbs in Kosovo have the right to stay and be part of the political process in Kosovo, but with respect for Kosovo’s laws and institutions.
Vucevic also disinforms that Kurti is deliberately provoking an armed conflict in order to expel the Serbs from Kosovo, but this claim has no facts. Serbs in Kosovo have the right to stay, work and participate in political life, but this also implies acceptance of the Kosovo legal system. Kosovo has repeatedly confirmed that it does not intend to expel Serbs, but to integrate them, which is contrary to Vucevic’s claims.
/The Geopost