Serbian media disinform about the decision by which Kosovo became an associate member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, claiming that the voting results indicate a lack of consensus within the organization.
What Alo and Pravda write:
“The Serbian parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly expressed concern, stating that this decision sets a dangerous precedent and will worsen the living conditions of Serbs in Kosovo. They also pointed out that they were not consulted in the decision-making process and that the results of the vote show a lack of consensus in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
The decision to admit Kosovo as an Associate Member was taken in accordance with the procedures of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. This step recognises Kosovo’s efforts to integrate into international organisations and contributes to regional stability.
The decision-making process involved consultations with all NATO members. The vote reflected different views within the organisation, but most countries recognised the importance of strengthening ties with Kosovo.
Srpski mediji šire dezinformacije o članstvu Kosova u Parlamentarnoj skupštini NATO-a
Srpski mediji dezinformišu o odluci kojom je Kosovo postalo pridruženi član Parlamentarne skupštine NATO-a, tvrdeći da rezultati glasanja ukazuju na nedostatak konsenzusa unutar organizacije.
Šta pišu portali Alo i Pravda:
“Delegacija Skupštine Srbije u Parlamentarnoj skupštini NATO izrazila je zabrinutost, navodeći da ova odluka predstavlja opasan presedan i da će pogoršati uslove života za Srbe na Kosovu. Takođe, istakli su da tokom procesa donošenja odluke nisu bili konsultovani, a rezultati glasanja ukazuju na nedostatak konsenzusa unutar Parlamentarne skupštine NATO./The Geopost/