Recent statements by former Croatian President Stipe Mesic at a meeting in Pristina have provoked reactions in the Serbian media, which have labelled them an “attack on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic”.
What “Kurir” writes:
Stipe Mesic, the last President of the Presidency of the SFRY and former President of Croatia, joined the offensive of lies and insults against President Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia and our country from the meeting in Pristina.
While the Serbian media report Mesic’s statements as an attack on President Vucic, the Kosovo media emphasise the truth of Mesic’s claims. This perspective underlines the condemnation of Serbian propaganda and supports Mesić’s courage in speaking the truth. Mesic’s positions, as reported in the Kosovo media, show that Kosovo is a key factor in thwarting Vucic’s ambitions to create a Greater Serbia. The Serbian media have used Mesic’s statement to further tarnish his image and portray him as an enemy of the serbian people, reinforcing the propaganda narrative of hostile forces working against Serbia’s interests./The Geopost/