Montenegro was chosen as an element for bargaining in the Balkans, said DPS MP Predrag Bošković in the show “Pressing”, adding that he hopes that our country will not be a scapegoat on that road.
The government in Montenegro is trying to formally introduce a state of emergency that would enable them to implement all their plans.
“We have come to the situation that, apart from the institution of the president, there is no other one that functions in full capacity and therefore they want to completely disavow it, in order to make Montenegro an incompetent state that needs a protectorate from Serbia,” said Boskovic.
He repeats that the opposition will not calmly watch how the “agenda is being implemented outside the law.”
“Montenegro has the capacity to defend itself against such intentions. These two meetings have shown that citizens will not calmly look at the introduction of a state of emergency, the disavowal of the institution of the president, the functioning of the government that has been overthrown. We have made our demands clear and we will not give up on them, ” Boskovic said.
BIRN’s report showed, he says, how strong is the connection of organized crime – such as it was made in Montenegro, and supported by security structures outside Montenegro.
“Time will show whether BIRN has been misused, or whether they are active participants in such a criminal enterprise against Montenegro. Those who wrote the report are members of the most criminal clans in the former Yugoslavia,” says Bošković.
He points out that free citizens who deal with human rights are targeted.
“They are targeted because they raise their voices against nationalism and populism. They want to make Montenegro a second Serbian state that would eventually merge with Serbia. They want to create a theocratic state ruled by the Church of Serbia,” says Bošković, adding that the citizens who were on the list raised their voices against all of that./Pobjeda/