September 24th marks one year since the terrorist attack in Banjska, Zvecan in northern Kosovo, when a heavily armed Serbian terrorist group attacked Kosovo police.
In that attack, Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku was killed, while in the ensuing clashes Kosovo police executed three terrorists, whose bodies remained on the ground and the others fled to Serbia, where they are still at large. The organizer of this attack, Milan Radoicic, who took responsibility himself, is also free in Serbia, but is under the protection of the Serbian state.
“Serbia is responsible, therefore Serbia must take responsibility.” And at this point we are asking for the support, help and assistance of international factors. We know who the perpetrators of the attack in Banjska are, we know where the perpetrators and participants are, we know where they are hiding or why they are not hiding, and we know who is protecting them. Serbia must take responsibility because it is responsible for the attack in Banjska. Therefore, it must bear political responsibility and cooperate with Kosovo, the European Union and the United States of America to bring the perpetrators of this aggression to justice in a fair trial in our country,” said the Prime Minister.
Kurti said that in this context Kosovo is and remains undoubtedly what it was: democratic, for freedom, for progress and for the West, “but unfortunately Serbia has remained what it was as we always knew it: aggressive, hegemonic, criminal and pro-Russian”.
The United States of America has called for the perpetrators and all those involved in this crime to be brought to justice.
Ambassador Jeff Hovenier made this statement after paying homage at the grave of Afrim Bunjaku along with the governors of Kosovo and his fellow ambassadors.
“Today, we joined with the government of Kosovo and diplomatic colleagues to remember Kosovar police officer Afrim Bunjaku, who was killed in the line of duty in the Banjska attack one year ago. “The United States reiterates its call and we expect the perpetrators and all those involved in this horrific crime to be held fully accountable,” Hovenier said.
In addition to the US, the European Union also called for the perpetrators to be punished. EU spokesperson Peter Stano said in X: “One year after the attack in Banjska, the EU reiterates its call for swift prosecution of those responsible and reaffirms its commitment to justice and accountability.” It is a reminder of the need for continued efforts to maintain security and advance the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.”
Meanwhile, the head of the EU office in Kosovo, Aivo Orav, joined others in Kosovo in paying tribute.
The UK Ambassador to Kosovo, Jonathan Hargreaves, has called on Serbia to take action to bring Milan Radoicic and others to justice.
“Today marks one year since the murder of police officer Afrim Bunjaku and the shocking events in Banjska. I thank the professionalism and courage of the Kosovo Police for their efforts to restore order on September 24, 2023, and the Kosovo prosecutors for their patient work in preparing an indictment. The UK continues to call for the perpetrators of this attack, including Milan Radoicic, to be caught and brought to justice. “We reiterate our call on Serbia to take the necessary steps to ensure that this happens as soon as possible,” he wrote.
Meanwhile, German Ambassador Jörn Rohde directly accused Serbia of not cooperating to bring Radoicic to justice.
“A year ago, Kosovar policeman Afrim Bunjaku was killed in Banjska. His sacrifice will remain unforgotten. However, Radoicic, the alleged perpetrator, remains at large in Serbia despite his admission of guilt. This lack of accountability undermines peace. Justice must be served – without delay or apology,” said Rohde.
French Ambassador Olivier Guerot also said that it was unacceptable that the perpetrators were still at large.
“One year after the attack, the perpetrators are still at large. That is unacceptable. France is calling for those responsible for the attack in Banjska to be brought to justice and held accountable.”
Serbia responded to all these requests to react with Petar Petkovic, who reacted strongly to the post by Peter Stano, who used the state flag of Kosovo in his post. None of the other leaders responded as to why they continue to not hold the perpetrators of the attack accountable. /TheGeopost/